Comparing Food Cultures in Spain and in Taiwan
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Xī bān yá hé tái wān de yǐn shí wén huà

Shàng cì shuō xī bān yá rén tōng xiāo hòu zhí jiē chī zǎo cān, xiǎng zhī dào tā men huì chī shén me ma? Xī bān yá yóu tiáo pèi rè qiǎo kè lì! Xiāng chún nóng yù de qiǎo kè lì shì zhān yóu tiáo yòng, dàn zhí jiē hē yě shì zuì è bān de xiǎng shòu! Tái wān rén zǎo cān zé huì chī xián yóu tiáo pèi dòu jiāng, huò dàn bǐng, fàn tuán děng.

Lùn liǎng guó wǔ wǎn cān de chā bié, zài xī bān yá tōng cháng shì měi rén yī fèn cān, zài tái wān zé xí guàn chī hé cài. Xī bān yá cān tīng de měi rì tào cān tōng cháng yǒu liǎng dào cān hé tián diǎn, dì yī dào shì zhǔ shí, duō wéi mǎ líng shǔ hé dòu lèi, dì èr dào yī bān shì jī tuǐ, zhū pái děng ròu lèi, fàn hòu hái néng xiǎng shòu yōu gé, bīng qí lín děng tián diǎn.

Zhì yú tái wān rén de hé cài zé shì gòng xiǎng wén huà de tǐ xiàn. Yī rén shù bù tóng, tōng cháng shì shù dào cài hé yī dào tāng. Zài xī bān yá cān tīng, fú wù shēng yī kāi shǐ tōng cháng huì wèn yào hē shén me, dàn tái wān rén chī fàn méi yǒu pèi yǐn liào de xí guàn, yě hěn shǎo chī fàn hòu tián diǎn.

Huǒ guō yě shì tái wān měi shí zhī yī, ér qiě shéi dōu néng shàng shǒu, bǎ suǒ yǒu shí cái fàng rù guō zi zhǔ jiù wán chéng le! Tái wān nián yè fàn yě cháng chī huǒ guō, yīn wèi quán jiā rén wéi zhe guō zi zuò yī quān zhèng shì `tuán yuán’ de zuì jiā biǎo xiàn.
Kē bó sī wén huà guān chá yuán qù xī bān yá, zuì xiǎng niàn de tái cài jìng shì tàng qīng cài! Chī shā lā chī dào pà le…….

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Xī bān yá hé tái wān de yǐn shí wén huà

Shàng cì shuō xī bān yá rén tōng xiāo hòu zhí jiē chī zǎo cān, xiǎng zhī dào tā men huì chī shén me ma? Xī bān yá yóu tiáo pèi rè qiǎo kè lì! Xiāng chún nóng yù de qiǎo kè lì shì zhān yóu tiáo yòng, dàn zhí jiē hē yě shì zuì è bān de xiǎng shòu! Tái wān rén zǎo cān zé huì chī xián yóu tiáo pèi dòu jiāng, huò dàn bǐng, fàn tuán děng.

Lùn liǎng guó wǔ wǎn cān de chā bié, zài xī bān yá tōng cháng shì měi rén yī fèn cān, zài tái wān zé xí guàn chī hé cài. Xī bān yá cān tīng de měi rì tào cān tōng cháng yǒu liǎng dào cān hé tián diǎn, dì yī dào shì zhǔ shí, duō wéi mǎ líng shǔ hé dòu lèi, dì èr dào yī bān shì jī tuǐ, zhū pái děng ròu lèi, fàn hòu hái néng xiǎng shòu yōu gé, bīng qí lín děng tián diǎn.

Zhì yú tái wān rén de hé cài zé shì gòng xiǎng wén huà de tǐ xiàn. Yī rén shù bù tóng, tōng cháng shì shù dào cài hé yī dào tāng. Zài xī bān yá cān tīng, fú wù shēng yī kāi shǐ tōng cháng huì wèn yào hē shén me, dàn tái wān rén chī fàn méi yǒu pèi yǐn liào de xí guàn, yě hěn shǎo chī fàn hòu tián diǎn.

Huǒ guō yě shì tái wān měi shí zhī yī, ér qiě shéi dōu néng shàng shǒu, bǎ suǒ yǒu shí cái fàng rù guō zi zhǔ jiù wán chéng le! Tái wān nián yè fàn yě cháng chī huǒ guō, yīn wèi quán jiā rén wéi zhe guō zi zuò yī quān zhèng shì `tuán yuán’ de zuì jiā biǎo xiàn.
Kē bó sī wén huà guān chá yuán qù xī bān yá, zuì xiǎng niàn de tái cài jìng shì tàng qīng cài! Chī shā lā chī dào pà le…….

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Comparing Food Cultures in Spain and in Taiwan

In another article, I mentioned that Spaniards go straight to breakfast after staying up all night. Would you like to know what they eat? Spanish churros with hot chocolate! The mellow chocolate serves as a dipping for the churros, but drinking it directly is also a sinful enjoyment! For Taiwanese, salted churros with soy milk, Taiwanese egg crepe (“dan-bing”), and rice balls are among the best options for breakfast.

Now let’s move on to the other two meals and take a look at the differences between the two countries. In Spain, it’s common to see each person ordering an individual meal, but in Taiwan, it is customary to eat mixed dishes. The daily set menu at a Spanish restaurant usually contains two dishes and a dessert. The first dish is usually carb-based, so potatoes are very common, but beans are a popular choice, too. The second dish is usually meat-based, so most places serve chicken legs or pork chops. You can also enjoy desserts such as yogurt and ice cream after meals.

As for Taiwanese dishes, they are a manifestation of shared culture. Depending on the number of people, it is usually several dishes and one big bowl of soup. In Spanish restaurants, waiters usually ask what you would like to drink in the beginning, but Taiwanese people don’t have the habit of having a beverage while eating, and they rarely have desserts after meals.

Hot pot is also one of Taiwanese cuisines, and anyone can get started. Put all the ingredients in the pot and wait for them to be cooked! Hot pot is also often eaten in New Year’s Eve in Taiwan, because the whole family sitting around the pot is the best presentation of “reunion”.
For our Corpus culture observer who came back from Spain, the most missed Taiwanese dish is hot greens! She is simply fed up of salad …

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Rena Yang
Rena is a Cultural Observer and Translation Consultant of the Corpus International Cultural and Educational Organization, and a graduate of the Department of Foreign Languages and Literatures of National Taiwan University. She has fallen in love with the Spanish language and culture since she started studying English at the university. Rena also likes to watch movies, read novels, travel, and learn new things.

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La comida española y la taiwanesa

En el último artículo, hablamos de los españoles desayunando justo después de la fiesta toda la noche. ¿Qué comen entonces? ¡Churros con chocolate! Se comen los churros sumergiéndolos en chocolate, pero beber el chocolate directamente es uno de los placeres culpables del mundo. Por otra parte, los taiwaneses comen churros salados (“youtiao” en chino) con leche de soja, o omelet chinos, onigiri (bolas de arroz), etc.

En cuanto a la diferencia entre la comida española y la taiwanesa, en España, cada uno tiene su propia comida, mientras que los taiwaneses suelen pedir varios platos para comer juntos. El menú del día en un restaurante español generalmente consiste en dos platos y un postre. El primer plato es el alimento básico, como patatas y frijoles. El segundo plato del menú frecuentemente es carne como pollo asado o chuletas de cerdo. Se concluye la cena con un postre como yogur o helado.

La manera que los taiwaneses comen varios platos juntos demuestra las características de compartir de la cultura taiwanesa. Dependiendo del número de personas, una comida consiste en unos platos y una sopa. En restaurantes españoles, los camareros normalmente preguntan, “para beber?” Pero los taiwaneses no tienen el hábito de pedir bebida durante la comida, y casi nunca comen postre después.

El hot pot también es un plato delicioso taiwanés, y es bastante fácil de preparar. Sólo tienes que tirar todos los ingredientes en la olla, dejar que se cocine, ¡y listo! Además, se come hot pot en la víspera del Año Nuevo Lunar, porque cuando los miembros de la familia se sientan en un círculo alrededor del hot pot, significa una reunión familiar (“tuanyuan” en chino).
Cuando estuve en España, lo que más echaba de menos eran las verduras hervidas. ¡No quiero comer más ensaladas!

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Noemí Yang (Rena Yang)
Observadora de cultura y traductora de la Consultoría Lingüística de Corpus. Graduada del Departamento de Lenguas y Literaturas Extranjeras. Desde que empecé a estudiar español en la universidad, me he enamorado de la lengua y cultura española. También me gusta ver películas, leer novelas, viajar y aprender nuevas cosas.

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