Finding Your Life Purpose
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Rén shēng dìng wèi
Wǒ cǐ shēng de mù dì wèi hé? Wǒ de tiān fù cái néng shì shén me? Wǒ kě yǐ yǒu hé zuò wéi, ràng shì jiè gèng měi hǎo? Rú guǒ zhè xiē wèn jù céng jīng zài nín xīn zhōng pán xuán xǔ jiǔ, dàn nín réng bǎi sī bù dé qí jiě de huà, wǒ yào gōng xǐ nín, yīn wèi zhè biǎo shì nín yǐ jīng kāi shǐ tà shàng `zì wǒ tàn suǒ’ zhī lù, zhè shì nín mài xiàng `zì wǒ shí xiàn’ de qǐ diǎn!
或许您会疑惑,自我探索,到底要探索什么呢? 事实上,自我探索的目的就是明了自己!但是,何谓自己?我到底是谁?
Huò xǔ nín huì yí huò, zì wǒ tàn suǒ, dào dǐ yào tàn suǒ shén me ne? Shì shí shàng, zì wǒ tàn suǒ de mù dì jiù shì míng liǎo zì jǐ! Dàn shì, hé wèi zì jǐ? Wǒ dào dǐ shì shéi?
Gǔ yǒu míng xùn `tiān shēng wǒ cái, bì yǒu wǒ yòng’! Wǒ men xīn zhōng dōu yǒu yī xiē zhēn zhèng xiǎng zuò de shì, měi yī gè rén yě dōu yǒu yī xiē dú tè de cái néng, ér qiě shì jiè shàng yě yǒu yī chù xū yào wǒ men de dì fāng. Huàn jù huà shuō,`tiān shēng wǒ cái, bì yǒu wǒ yòng’ kě yǐ bèi quán shì wèi: Lǎo tiān fù yǔ měi yī wèi lái dào shì jiān de rén yī fèn `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’, bìng zài nín chū shēng shí jiù cì yú nín zhí xíng zhè zhuān shǔ rèn wù de `gōng jù’, yǐ biàn ràng nín zài shì jiān de mǒu yī `xū yào nín de dì fāng’ yòng shàng zhè cǐ `gōng jù’ qù zhí xíng cǐ `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ yǐ zào fú rén qún! Yīn cǐ, jìn yī bù ér yán, zì wǒ tàn suǒ de mù dì jiù shì zài yú lí qīng:
1. 我的「专属任务」为何?
1. Wǒ de `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ wèi hé?
2. 我与生俱来的「工具」是什么?
2. Wǒ yǔ shēng jù lái de `gōng jù’ shì shén me?
3. 「需要我的地方」在哪里?
3. `Xū yào wǒ de dì fāng’ zài nǎ lǐ?
Jiǎn ér yán zhī,`zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ jiù shì yī gè rén de `shǐ mìng’,`gōng jù’ jiù shì tā/tā de `tiān fù’, bèi xū yào de `dì fāng’ jiù shì `zhì yè’. Yīn cǐ dāng yī gè rén kě yǐ míng què zì jǐ de `shǐ mìng’,`tiān fù’, jìn ér míng què `zhì yè’ hòu, tā jiù kāi shǐ zhēn zhèng zuò zì jǐ, huó chū zì jǐ shēng mìng de guāng cǎi!

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陈世明 (Edward Chen)
世明为国际教练联盟(ICF)认证专业教练,拥有美国旧金山州立大学(SFSU) MBA学位,同时也是杰作国际专业教练有限公司创办人,并义务担任为台湾而教(Teach for Taiwan)的教练。现居台北市与妻子美年育有一子一女,分别为高三与国三。
曾出版「丰悦企业教练锦囊-塑造独一无二的企业DNA」及译有「EQ Coaching for leaders领导力的突破:情绪智能教练」等书,并在经理人月刊、中国CCN教练社期刊等平台专栏发表个人发展相关文章,也在台北广播电台及华人心灵广播电台担任特别来宾。 2016年12月更受邀前往马来西亚国际教练年会发表自创之个人发展教练模式(Personal Development Coaching Model)。

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Rén shēng dìng wèi
Wǒ cǐ shēng de mù dì wèi hé? Wǒ de tiān fù cái néng shì shén me? Wǒ kě yǐ yǒu hé zuò wéi, ràng shì jiè gèng měi hǎo? Rú guǒ zhè xiē wèn jù céng jīng zài nín xīn zhōng pán xuán xǔ jiǔ, dàn nín réng bǎi sī bù dé qí jiě de huà, wǒ yào gōng xǐ nín, yīn wèi zhè biǎo shì nín yǐ jīng kāi shǐ tà shàng `zì wǒ tàn suǒ’ zhī lù, zhè shì nín mài xiàng `zì wǒ shí xiàn’ de qǐ diǎn!
或許您會疑惑,自我探索,到底要探索什麼呢? 事實上,自我探索的目的就是明瞭自己!但是,何謂自己?我到底是誰?
Huò xǔ nín huì yí huò, zì wǒ tàn suǒ, dào dǐ yào tàn suǒ shén me ne? Shì shí shàng, zì wǒ tàn suǒ de mù dì jiù shì míng liǎo zì jǐ! Dàn shì, hé wèi zì jǐ? Wǒ dào dǐ shì shéi?
Gǔ yǒu míng xùn `tiān shēng wǒ cái, bì yǒu wǒ yòng’! Wǒ men xīn zhōng dōu yǒu yī xiē zhēn zhèng xiǎng zuò de shì, měi yī gè rén yě dōu yǒu yī xiē dú tè de cái néng, ér qiě shì jiè shàng yě yǒu yī chù xū yào wǒ men de dì fāng. Huàn jù huà shuō,`tiān shēng wǒ cái, bì yǒu wǒ yòng’ kě yǐ bèi quán shì wèi: Lǎo tiān fù yǔ měi yī wèi lái dào shì jiān de rén yī fèn `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’, bìng zài nín chū shēng shí jiù cì yú nín zhí xíng zhè zhuān shǔ rèn wù de `gōng jù’, yǐ biàn ràng nín zài shì jiān de mǒu yī `xū yào nín de dì fāng’ yòng shàng zhè cǐ `gōng jù’ qù zhí xíng cǐ `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ yǐ zào fú rén qún! Yīn cǐ, jìn yī bù ér yán, zì wǒ tàn suǒ de mù dì jiù shì zài yú lí qīng:
1. 我的「專屬任務」為何?
1. Wǒ de `zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ wèi hé?
2. 我與生俱來的「工具」是什麼?
2. Wǒ yǔ shēng jù lái de `gōng jù’ shì shén me?
3. 「需要我的地方」在哪裡?
3. `Xū yào wǒ de dì fāng’ zài nǎ lǐ?
Jiǎn ér yán zhī,`zhuān shǔ rèn wù’ jiù shì yī gè rén de `shǐ mìng’,`gōng jù’ jiù shì tā/tā de `tiān fù’, bèi xū yào de `dì fāng’ jiù shì `zhì yè’. Yīn cǐ dāng yī gè rén kě yǐ míng què zì jǐ de `shǐ mìng’,`tiān fù’, jìn ér míng què `zhì yè’ hòu, tā jiù kāi shǐ zhēn zhèng zuò zì jǐ, huó chū zì jǐ shēng mìng de guāng cǎi!

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陳世明 (Edward Chen)
世明為國際教練聯盟(ICF)認證專業教練,擁有美國舊金山州立大學(SFSU) MBA學位,同時也是傑作國際專業教練有限公司創辦人,並義務擔任為台灣而教(Teach for Taiwan)的教練。現居台北市與妻子美年育有一子一女,分別為高三與國三。
曾出版「豐悅企業教練錦囊-塑造獨一無二的企業DNA」及譯有「EQ Coaching for leaders領導力的突破:情緒智能教練」等書,並在經理人月刊、中國CCN教練社期刊等平台專欄發表個人發展相關文章,也在臺北廣播電台及華人心靈廣播電台擔任特別來賓。2016年12月更受邀前往馬來西亞國際教練年會發表自創之個人發展教練模式(Personal Development Coaching Model)。

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Finding Your Life Purpose
What is the purpose of my life? What are my talents? What can I do to make the world a better place? If you have been pondering these questions, congratulations! It means that you have begun to embark on the journey of ‘self-exploration’, which is the starting point of your ‘self-actualisation’.
We might be wondering where to start in order to figure out our personal self-concept. In fact, self-exploration is all about understanding ourselves! In other words, we are in search of the answer to this simple question, ‘who am I?’
As the old saying goes, ‘each of us is born for a reason.’ Each one of us has some goals in our minds that we really want to achieve. Each one of us has some unique talents, and there is one place in the world where we can make an impact. In other words, we are all given a particular mission in life and meanwhile, we all possess a specific gift that will allow us to undertake our mission. And this often takes place in a field that needs us. All in all, the purpose of self-exploration goes down to clarify the following:
1. What is my mission in life?
2. What am I gifted to do?
3. In which field am I needed?
Therefore, when you have clarified your ‘mission’, ‘talent’, and then ‘life career’, you begin to truly be yourself and let your own light shine!

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About The Columnist
Edward Chen
Edward is a certified professional coach from the International Coach Federation (ICF). He holds an MBA from San Francisco State University (SFSU), and is the founder of Masterpiece Coaching & Training Ltd. Co.. He is also a volunteer coach for Teach for Taiwan. He currently lives in Taipei City with his wife, son and daughter.
He has published ‘Fengyue Corporate Coaching Tips-Shaping a Unique Corporate DNA’ and translated ‘EQ Coaching for Leaders’ and other books. He has been featured in platform columns such as Managers Monthly and China CCN Coaching Magazine. He has published articles on personal development and has been a special guest at Taipei Radio and Chinese Mind Radio. In December 2016, he was invited to the Malaysia International Coaching Annual Conference to publish his own Personal Development Coaching Model.
In the past ten years, he has led many cross-age self-exploration workshops in Taiwan and abroad, specialised in providing guidance and a supportive environment to help people identify their life purpose. He has been invited to the Primary and Middle School Parents Associations across Taiwan to share with parents how to be their children’s life coaches. He has also delivered speeches at the Youth Development Office and helped numerous elementary and middle school students to find their purpose of life.

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