The Wedding Ceremonies in Taiwan and the UK
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Tái wān yǔ yīng guó de hūn lǐ yí shì
Gāng bān dào yīng guó de qián jǐ gè yuè cān jiā le rén shēng dì yī chǎng zài guó wài de hūn lǐ, zhěng chǎng hūn lǐ jiǎn dān, wéi měi, yǔ tái wān chuán tǒng de hūn lǐ shì wán quán bù tóng de tǐ yàn, yě yīn cǐ ràng wǒ dà kāi yǎn jiè.
在英国,正式的结婚仪式通常是新人与宾客们白天时在教堂或市政厅举行,常见的仪式为掀头纱、交换戒指、亲吻新娘; 仪式结束后,接着晚上再另选地点举办派对,与新人们一起共享喜悦,直到深夜才结束。
Zài yīng guó, zhèng shì de jié hūn yí shì tōng cháng shì xīn rén yǔ bīn kè men bái tiān shí zài jiào táng huò shì zhèng tīng jǔ xíng, cháng jiàn de yí shì wéi xiān tóu shā, jiāo huàn jiè zhǐ, qīn wěn xīn niáng; yí shì jié shù hòu, jiē zhe wǎn shàng zài lìng xuǎn dì diǎn jǔ bàn pài duì, yǔ xīn rén men yī qǐ gòng xiǎng xǐ yuè, zhí dào shēn yè cái jié shù.
近代台湾的婚礼以中西式婚礼合并为主。一般来说,早上是以传统的婚礼仪式为主,整个流程大概是新郎到新娘家迎娶,并进行一系列的仪式,包括: 祈求祖先祝福、跪拜父母、掷扇、敬茶等等。完成后,接着就是西式婚礼的仪式,在这阶段,通常是到饭店或是餐厅宴客,与新人们一起共进中餐或晚餐,最后再以发送小礼物、拍照的方式收尾。
Jìn dài tái wān de hūn lǐ yǐ zhōng xī shì hūn lǐ hé bìng wéi zhǔ. Yī bān lái shuō, zǎo shang shì yǐ chuán tǒng de hūn lǐ yí shì wéi zhǔ, zhěng gè liú chéng dà gài shì xīn láng dào xīn niáng jiā yíng qǔ, bìng jìn xíng yī xì liè de yí shì, bāo kuò: Qí qiú zǔ xiān zhù fú, guì bài fù mǔ, zhí shàn, jìng chá děng děng. Wán chéng hòu, jiē zhe jiù shì xī shì hūn lǐ de yí shì, zài zhè jiē duàn, tōng cháng shì dào fàn diàn huò shì cān tīng yàn kè, yǔ xīn rén men yī qǐ gòng jìn zhōng cān huò wǎn cān, zuì hòu zài yǐ fā sòng xiǎo lǐ wù, pāi zhào de fāng shì shōu wěi.
Suī rán tái wān kě yǐ tǐ yàn dào liǎng zhǒng bù tóng xíng shì de hūn lǐ yí shì, dàn qīn shēn zài yīng guó yòu shì lìng yī zhǒng gǎn shòu. Qí shí bù nán fā xiàn tái wān de chuán tǒng hūn lǐ zhǔ yào shi yǐ xǐ qìng, rè nào wéi zhǔ, ér zài yīng guó piān xiàng jiǎn jié, zhuāng zhòng, làng màn.
Tái wān yǔ yīng guó de hūn lǐ yí shì
Gāng bān dào yīng guó de qián jǐ gè yuè cān jiā le rén shēng dì yī chǎng zài guó wài de hūn lǐ, zhěng chǎng hūn lǐ jiǎn dān, wéi měi, yǔ tái wān chuán tǒng de hūn lǐ shì wán quán bù tóng de tǐ yàn, yě yīn cǐ ràng wǒ dà kāi yǎn jiè.
在英國,正式的結婚儀式通常是新人與賓客們白天時在教堂或市政廳舉行,常見的儀式為掀頭紗、交換戒指、親吻新娘; 儀式結束後,接著晚上再另選地點舉辦派對,與新人們一起共享喜悅,直到深夜才結束。
Zài yīng guó, zhèng shì de jié hūn yí shì tōng cháng shì xīn rén yǔ bīn kè men bái tiān shí zài jiào táng huò shì zhèng tīng jǔ xíng, cháng jiàn de yí shì wéi xiān tóu shā, jiāo huàn jiè zhǐ, qīn wěn xīn niáng; yí shì jié shù hòu, jiē zhe wǎn shàng zài lìng xuǎn dì diǎn jǔ bàn pài duì, yǔ xīn rén men yī qǐ gòng xiǎng xǐ yuè, zhí dào shēn yè cái jié shù.
近代台灣的婚禮以中西式婚禮合併為主。一般來說,早上是以傳統的婚禮儀式為主,整個流程大概是新郎到新娘家迎娶,並進行一系列的儀式,包括: 祈求祖先祝福、跪拜父母、擲扇、敬茶等等。完成後,接著就是西式婚禮的儀式,在這階段,通常是到飯店或是餐廳宴客,與新人們一起共進中餐或晚餐,最後再以發送小禮物、拍照的方式收尾。
Jìn dài tái wān de hūn lǐ yǐ zhōng xī shì hūn lǐ hé bìng wéi zhǔ. Yī bān lái shuō, zǎo shang shì yǐ chuán tǒng de hūn lǐ yí shì wéi zhǔ, zhěng gè liú chéng dà gài shì xīn láng dào xīn niáng jiā yíng qǔ, bìng jìn xíng yī xì liè de yí shì, bāo kuò: Qí qiú zǔ xiān zhù fú, guì bài fù mǔ, zhí shàn, jìng chá děng děng. Wán chéng hòu, jiē zhe jiù shì xī shì hūn lǐ de yí shì, zài zhè jiē duàn, tōng cháng shì dào fàn diàn huò shì cān tīng yàn kè, yǔ xīn rén men yī qǐ gòng jìn zhōng cān huò wǎn cān, zuì hòu zài yǐ fā sòng xiǎo lǐ wù, pāi zhào de fāng shì shōu wěi.
Suī rán tái wān kě yǐ tǐ yàn dào liǎng zhǒng bù tóng xíng shì de hūn lǐ yí shì, dàn qīn shēn zài yīng guó yòu shì lìng yī zhǒng gǎn shòu. Qí shí bù nán fā xiàn tái wān de chuán tǒng hūn lǐ zhǔ yào shi yǐ xǐ qìng, rè nào wéi zhǔ, ér zài yīng guó piān xiàng jiǎn jié, zhuāng zhòng, làng màn.
The Wedding Ceremonies in Taiwan and the UK
After I moved to the UK for a few months, I attended my first overseas wedding. The whole wedding was simple and beautiful, which surprised me because it was a completely different experience from traditional Taiwanese weddings.
In the UK, the formal wedding ceremony is usually held in a church or city hall during the day. Some popular customs include lifting the veil, exchanging wedding rings and kissing the bride. After the ceremony, there will be an ‘after party’ held in another venue in the evening, where the bride and groom share the joys with the guests until late night.
Contemporary Taiwanese wedding is a combination of Taiwanese and Western styles. Generally, a traditional Taiwanese wedding is held in the morning. The whole process starts with the groom going to the bride’s home to perform the ceremony, which involves a series of rituals, including: pray to ancestors for blessings, toss a fan, and offer tea to parents. After that, it is the ceremony in Western style. The most common way is to invite guests to a hotel or restaurant to enjoy a banquet, which could be lunch or dinner. At the end of the feast, the just-married couple will wait at the exit to pass out small gifts and take photos with the guests before they leave.
Although I have experienced the two different types of wedding ceremonies in Taiwan, the wedding I attended in the UK is completely new to me. It is easy to see that traditional Taiwanese weddings are mainly festive and lively, while English weddings tends to be simple, solemn and romantic.
About the Author
Candice was born and raised in Taiwan. She went to boarding school in the UK when she was 16 years old. Currently, she studies at Henley Business School of the University of Reading.