Diverse Architectural Styles in Taiwan
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Tái wān de duō yuán jiàn zhú wén huà
Yīng guó xiàn zài réng bǎo yǒu dà duō shù wéi duō lì yǎ shì fēng gé de jiàn zhú, hóng zhuān qiáng de wài guān, shè jì yī zhì de gé jú kàn shàng qù gěi rén men yī zhǒng gāo guì diǎn yǎ de qì xí, zài jiā shàng kàn zhe zá zhì huò lǚ yóu jié mù zài jiè shào yīng guó de bǎi nián gǔ bǎo, gèng shì ràng wǒ cóng xiǎo dào dà dōu hěn xǐ huān yīng guó.
2013年人生第一次到英国旅行,距今已有一段时间, 但仍然记得第一次进入到仿佛电影里才会出现的建筑内激动与兴奋的心情,对当时第一次到欧洲的我可以说是大开眼界了,因为除了从新闻媒体得知外,在台湾基本上很难见到类似的建筑。
2013 nián rén shēng dì yī cì dào yīng guó lǚ xíng, jù jīn yǐ yǒu yī duàn shí jiān, dàn réng rán jì dé dì yī cì jìn rù dào fǎng fú diàn yǐng lǐ cái huì chū xiàn de jiàn zhú nèi jī dòng yǔ xīng fèn de xīn qíng, duì dāng shí dì yī cì dào ōu zhōu de wǒ kě yǐ shuō shì dà kāi yǎn jiè le, yīn wèi chú le cóng xīn wén méi tǐ dé zhī wài, zài tái wān jī běn shàng hěn nàn jiàn dào lèi sì de jiàn zhú.
Jìn bǎi nián de tái wān xiān hòu céng bèi hé lán, rì běn tǒng zhì, suǒ yǐ jiàn zhú wén huà duō yuán, dà zhì shàng kě fēn wéi yuán zhù mín jiàn zhú, yáng lóu jiàn zhú, hé fēng jiàn zhú jí xiàn dài jiàn zhú.
Yuán zhù mín shì tái wān zuì zǎo chū xiàn de rén men, měi yī gè zú qún dōu yǒu shǔ yú zì jǐ de wén huà tè sè, jiàn zhú de xīng jiàn fāng shì yě yǒu suǒ bù tóng; mù qián, tái wān réng yǒu jǐ gè dì fāng kě yǐ jiàn dào yáng lóu yǔ hé fēng jiàn zhú, lì rú: Dàn shuǐ hóng máo chéng hé zǒng tǒng fǔ; rán ér, jìn dài de jiàn zhú wù zhǔ yào shi yǐ tái wān de běn tǔ wén huà wéi zhǔ tí, jiàn zào yī gè shǔ yú tái wān zì jǐ de fēng gé, lì rú: Guó lì chuán tǒng yì shù zhōng xīn.
Tái wān de duō yuán jiàn zhú wén huà
Yīng guó xiàn zài réng bǎo yǒu dà duō shù wéi duō lì yǎ shì fēng gé de jiàn zhú, hóng zhuān qiáng de wài guān, shè jì yī zhì de gé jú kàn shàng qù gěi rén men yī zhǒng gāo guì diǎn yǎ de qì xí, zài jiā shàng kàn zhe zá zhì huò lǚ yóu jié mù zài jiè shào yīng guó de bǎi nián gǔ bǎo, gèng shì ràng wǒ cóng xiǎo dào dà dōu hěn xǐ huān yīng guó.
2013年人生第一次到英國旅行,距今已有一段時間, 但仍然記得第一次進入到彷彿電影裡才會出現的建築內激動與興奮的心情,對當時第一次到歐洲的我可以說是大開眼界了,因為除了從新聞媒體得知外,在台灣基本上很難見到類似的建築。
2013 nián rén shēng dì yī cì dào yīng guó lǚ xíng, jù jīn yǐ yǒu yī duàn shí jiān, dàn réng rán jì dé dì yī cì jìn rù dào fǎng fú diàn yǐng lǐ cái huì chū xiàn de jiàn zhú nèi jī dòng yǔ xīng fèn de xīn qíng, duì dāng shí dì yī cì dào ōu zhōu de wǒ kě yǐ shuō shì dà kāi yǎn jiè le, yīn wèi chú le cóng xīn wén méi tǐ dé zhī wài, zài tái wān jī běn shàng hěn nàn jiàn dào lèi sì de jiàn zhú.
Jìn bǎi nián de tái wān xiān hòu céng bèi hé lán, rì běn tǒng zhì, suǒ yǐ jiàn zhú wén huà duō yuán, dà zhì shàng kě fēn wéi yuán zhù mín jiàn zhú, yáng lóu jiàn zhú, hé fēng jiàn zhú jí xiàn dài jiàn zhú.
Yuán zhù mín shì tái wān zuì zǎo chū xiàn de rén men, měi yī gè zú qún dōu yǒu shǔ yú zì jǐ de wén huà tè sè, jiàn zhú de xīng jiàn fāng shì yě yǒu suǒ bù tóng; mù qián, tái wān réng yǒu jǐ gè dì fāng kě yǐ jiàn dào yáng lóu yǔ hé fēng jiàn zhú, lì rú: Dàn shuǐ hóng máo chéng hé zǒng tǒng fǔ; rán ér, jìn dài de jiàn zhú wù zhǔ yào shi yǐ tái wān de běn tǔ wén huà wéi zhǔ tí, jiàn zào yī gè shǔ yú tái wān zì jǐ de fēng gé, lì rú: Guó lì chuán tǒng yì shù zhōng xīn.
Diverse Architectural Styles in Taiwan
Many of the Victorian buildings are still preserved today in the UK. The exterior appearance and consistent design of the red brick walls seem to create a noble and elegant atmosphere. When I was a child, reading magazines or watching travel programs introducing those ancient castles in Great Britain always made me want to visit the country.
In the year of 2013, I travelled to the UK for the first time in my life. Although it has been a while, I still remember the excitement the first time I entered the building that seems to only appear in a film. It was an eye-opening experience because it is difficult to see similar buildings in Taiwan, except on the news media.
In the past, Taiwan has been ruled by both the Netherlands and Japan. Therefore, the architectural style is diverse here and people can see aboriginal elements, western-style, Japanese-style and modern-style buildings all mixing together in a Taiwanese urban landscape.
Aboriginal is the first group of people arrived in Taiwan, and then joined by many other ethnicities that arrived later. Each ethnic group has its own cultural characteristics and their ways of construction are also different.
Currently, there are still several historical sites in Taiwan that are built in Western or Japanese style, such as Fort San Domingo and the Presidential Office Building respectively.
On the other hand, more and more new buildings are built according to Taiwanese native culture, featuring a style that only belongs to Taiwan. One of the most classic examples can be found in Yilan, the National Centre for Traditional Arts.
About the Author
Candice was born and raised in Taiwan. She went to boarding school in the UK when she was 16 years old. Currently, she studies at Henley Business School of the University of Reading.