Wisdom for Success in Chinese Business: 5 Proverbs and Insights (Proverb #2)
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Wisdom for Success in Chinese Business: 5 Proverbs and Insights
Proverb #2
Opportunities do not wait; time will not come again.
This proverb highlights the significance of seizing opportunities when they arise. In the business world, timing is crucial, and one must be proactive and quick to act upon promising prospects. Delaying or hesitating could result in missed chances.
What opportunities have you seized that led to great success in your business? Share your experience with us in the comments below.
中國商業成功的智慧:5 句諺語和見解
Zhōngguó shāngyè chénggōng de zhìhuì:5 Jù yànyǔ hé jiànjiě
Yànyǔ #2
Jī bù kě shī, shí bú zài lái.
Zhè jù yànyǔ qiángdiàole jīhuì chūxiàn shí zhuā zhù jīhuì de zhòngyào xìng. Zài shāngyè shìjiè zhōng, shíjī shì zhì guān zhòngyào de, yīgèrén bìxū jījí zhǔdòng bìng xùnsù cǎiqǔ xíngdòng yǐ yìngduì yǒu xīwàng de qiánjǐng. Yánchí huò yóuyù kěnéng huì dǎozhì cuòshī liángjī.
您抓住了哪些機會使您的業務取得巨大成功? 在下面的評論中與我們分享您的經驗。
Nín zhuā zhùle nǎxiē jīhuì shǐ nín de yèwù qǔdé jùdà chénggōng? Zài xiàmiàn de pínglùn zhōng yǔ wǒmen fēnxiǎng nín de jīngyàn.
中国商业成功的智慧:5 句谚语和见解
Zhōngguó shāngyè chénggōng de zhìhuì:5 Jù yànyǔ hé jiànjiě
Yànyǔ #2
Jī bù kě shī, shí bú zài lái.
Zhè jù yànyǔ qiángdiàole jīhuì chūxiàn shí zhuā zhù jīhuì de zhòngyào xìng. Zài shāngyè shìjiè zhōng, shíjī shì zhì guān zhòngyào de, yīgèrén bìxū jījí zhǔdòng bìng xùnsù cǎiqǔ xíngdòng yǐ yìngduì yǒu xīwàng de qiánjǐng. Yánchí huò yóuyù kěnéng huì dǎozhì cuòshī liángjī.
您抓住了哪些机会使您的业务取得巨大成功? 在下面的评论中与我们分享您的经验。
Nín zhuā zhùle nǎxiē jīhuì shǐ nín de yèwù qǔdé jùdà chénggōng? Zài xiàmiàn de pínglùn zhōng yǔ wǒmen fēnxiǎng nín de jīngyàn.
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Tag:Business Chinese, Business Expansion, Business Mandarin, China Market Opportunities, Chineae Study Plan, Chinese in Singapore, Chinese in Taiwan, Chinese Language Proficiency, Chinese Management, Chinese Philosophy, Chinese Professional, Chinese proverbs, Compliance and Efficiency, Connecting Through Language, Corporate Chinese, Corpus Amy, Corpus Mandarin, Cross Cultural Learning, Cultural Understanding, Customised Chinese tutoring, Effective Communication, Executive Chinese, Global Business, International Business, Language Training, Localisation, MSP, Online Mandarin Tutor, Success In Localisation, Unlocking New Markets