Inspire Young Minds with the Joy of Reading: Key Takeaways from 2024 Asia Talks with Oxford
Inspire Young Minds with the Joy of Reading: Key Takeaways from 2024 Asia Talks with Oxford
By Amy Tsai, Bilingual Consultant, Corpus International Education Pte Ltd.
As a bilingual education advocate, I was thrilled to attend today’s ‘2024 Asia Talks with Oxford: Inspire Young Minds with the Joy of Reading’ webinar presented by Robert Peacock, an experienced ESL teacher with Oxford University Press based in Japan.
The webinar focused on the power of graded readers and how they can foster a wide range of skills in young learners. While there were mainly six benefits shared, two key benefits of using graded readers particularly resonated with me:
1. Building Vocabulary for Effective Retention
We all know the struggle of memorising new words. Robert shed light on a fascinating fact: research suggests it takes between 15-20 encounters with a new word for it to truly stick. This contradicts my high school experience, where our English teacher always told us forgetting a new word 7 times before remembering was the norm! (But I got that one right in the webinar poll!)
This is where graded readers come in. Their engaging stories allow students to encounter new vocabulary in a meaningful context, providing those crucial 15-20 repetitions needed for long-term retention. As Robert quoted from Rob Waring’s ‘The “Why” and “How” of Using Graded Readers’ ( ), ‘Extensive Reading provides opportunities to do this because the learner is meeting massive amounts of language and is being repeatedly exposed to meaningful occurrences of words and grammatical structures that are in the process of being learned.’
2. Fostering Emotional Intelligence and Problem-Solving Skills
Beyond vocabulary building, graded readers offer a platform for emotional exploration. By following the characters on their journeys, students connect with the stories on a deeper level. This allows them to reflect on their own experiences, develop empathy and learn to navigate challenges – all crucial for building emotional intelligence.
Bringing it to life using teaching demonstrations
Robert captivated us Asian educators with two engaging graded reader demonstrations.
The first showcased a non-fiction reader taken from the ‘Oxford Read and Discover’ series with a captivating theme: exploring a beach scene and its ecosystem. Teachers can pre-teach vocabulary related to tides, rockpools and the food chain. We were then taken to the mini-world of rockpools and find answers to the question: how do starfish ‘eat’ clams.
This then led to fascinating discussions about human activities like kite-surfing and snorkelling, and ended with some fun facts about beach safety awareness. This example highlighted the valuable cross-curricular nature of Oxford graded readers, allowing students to develop critical thinking skills by making predictions and drawing connections across various subjects.
The second demonstration explored a fiction book taken from the ‘Oxford Read and Imagine’ series that complemented the above non-fiction reader. The engaging storyline can surely encourage young learners to predict the characters’ actions, fostering critical thinking while the problem-solving aspect invites them to apply real-life knowledge. The extended projects coming with the book was also a beautiful demonstration of how graded readers can expand imagination and creativity.
A Fruitful Journey
Overall, the ‘2024 Asia Talks with Oxford: Inspire Young Minds with the Joy of Reading’ was a fruitful and interactive session. Robert’s well-structured demonstrations and the insightful discussions offered valuable tools and strategies for ESL educators to spark a love of reading in their young learners. With the right guidance, graded readers can become powerful tools for building vocabulary, fostering emotional intelligence and developing confidence in reading, both inside and outside classroom.
Looking for more resources on graded readers and fostering a love of reading? Stay tuned for future Corpus Magazine articles featuring bilingual tips and recommendations from Corpus International Education!
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Photo Credit: Teaching English with Oxford
啟發兒童的英語閱讀興趣:2024 牛津大學出版社亞洲論壇
Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù:2024 Niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán
身為雙語教育的倡導者,Amy顧問很榮幸參加了今天由牛津大學出版社舉辦的「2024 牛津大學出版社亞洲論壇:啟發兒童的英語閱讀興趣」 網路研討會。本次研討會的主講人是來自日本牛津大學出版社的英籍資深英語語言教學 (ESL) 教師 Robert Peacock。
Shēn wèi shuāngyǔ jiàoyù de chàngdǎo zhě,Amy gùwèn hěn róngxìng cānjiāle jīntiān yóu niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè jǔbàn de `2024 niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán: Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù’ wǎng lù yántǎo huì. Běn cì yántǎo huì de zhǔjiǎng rén shì láizì rìběn niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè de yīng jí zīshēn yīngyǔ yǔyán jiàoxué (ESL) jiàoshī Robert Peacock.
Zhè chǎng yántǎo huì zhòngdiǎn tǎolùnle fēnjí dúwù de lìliàng, yǐjí tāmen rúhé bāngzhù niánqīng xuéxí zhě péiyǎng guǎngfàn de jìnéng. Yántǎo huì fēnxiǎngle liù dà hǎochù, qízhōng ràng wǒ yìnxiàng zuì shēnkè de liǎng diǎn shì:
1. 建構持久記憶的詞彙量
1. Jiàngòu chíjiǔ jìyì de cíhuì liàng
我們都知道單字的背誦是學習者覺得英文很困難的一個環節。 Robert 分享了一個有趣的實驗證明:要真正記住一個新單詞,需要學生遇到它 15-20 次。這跟Amy顧問的高中英文老師說的「學一個新單字要忘 7 次後才記住是常態!」 (但我今天在研討會投票中答對了!)
Wǒmen dōu zhīdào dānzì de bèisòng shì xuéxí zhě juédé yīngwén hěn kùnnán de yīgè huánjié. Robert fēnxiǎngle yīgè yǒuqù de shíyàn zhèngmíng: Yào zhēnzhèng jì zhù yīgè xīn dāncí, xūyào xuéshēng yù dào tā 15-20 cì. Zhè gēn Amy gùwèn de gāozhōng yīngwén lǎoshī shuō de `xué yīgè xīn dānzì yào wàng 7 cì hòu cái jì zhù shì chángtài!’ (Dàn wǒ jīntiān zài yántǎo huì tóupiào zhōng dáduìle!)
分級讀本正是幫助學生記住新單字的利器。它們透過有趣的故事,讓學生在有意義的脈絡中接觸新詞彙,提供所需的 15-20 次重複,從而實現長期記憶。就像Robert 引用日本英語教學專家Rob Waring 在「分級讀物使用指南」( ) 中所說,「大量閱讀提供了這樣的機會,因為學習者會接觸到大量的語言,並反覆接觸正在學習的單字和語法結構的含義。」
Fēnjí dúběn zhèng shì bāngzhù xuéshēng jì zhù xīn dānzì de lìqì. Tāmen tòuguò yǒuqù de gùshì, ràng xuéshēng zài yǒuyìyì de màiluò zhōng jiēchù xīn cíhuì, tígōng suǒ xū de 15-20 cì chóngfù, cóng’ér shíxiàn chángqí jìyì. Jiù xiàng Robert yǐnyòng rìběn yīngyǔ jiàoxué zhuānjiā Rob Waring zài `fēnjí dúwù shǐyòng zhǐnán'( ) zhōng suǒ shuō,`dàliàng yuèdú tígōngle zhèyàng de jīhuì, yīn wéi xuéxí zhě huì jiēchù dào dàliàng de yǔyán, bìng fǎnfù jiēchù zhèngzài xuéxí de dānzì hé yǔfǎ jiégòu de hányì.’
2. 培養情緒智能和解決問題的能力
2. Péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng hé jiějué wèntí de nénglì
除了詞彙量積累,分級讀物也為情感探索提供了機會。透過跟隨故事主角的旅程,學生可以更深刻地與故事產生共鳴。這使他們能夠反思自己的感受、經歷,培養同理心,並學會應對挑戰 – 這些都是培養情緒智能的關鍵因素。
Chúle cíhuì liàng jīlěi, fēnjí dúwù yě wéi qínggǎn tànsuǒ tígōngle jīhuì. Tòuguò gēnsuí gùshì zhǔjiǎo de lǚchéng, xuéshēng kěyǐ gēng shēnkè de yǔ gùshì chǎnshēng gòngmíng. Zhè shǐ tāmen nénggòu fǎnsī zìjǐ de gǎnshòu, jīnglì, péiyǎng tóng lǐ xīn, bìng xuéhuì yìngduì tiǎozhàn – zhèxiē dōu shì péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng de guānjiàn yīnsù.
Jiàoxué yǎnshì huánjié:
Robert 透過兩本分級讀物演示,讓來自亞洲各地的教育者們更有臨場感:
Robert tòuguò liǎng běn fēnjí dúwù yǎnshì, ràng láizì yàzhōu gèdì de jiàoyù zhěmen gèng yǒu línchǎng gǎn:
第一個演示展示了來自Oxford Read and Discover系列的科普讀本,主題是:探索海灘及其生態系統。老師們可以預先教潮汐、岩池和食物鏈相關的詞彙。然後,我們跟著書本進入岩池的微型世界,尋找海星如何「吃」蛤蜊的答案。
Dì yī gè yǎnshì zhǎnshìle láizì Oxford Read and Discover xìliè de kēpǔ dúběn, zhǔtí shì: Tànsuǒ hǎitān jí qí shēngtài xìtǒng. Lǎoshīmen kěyǐ yùxiān jiào cháoxī, yán chí hé shíwùliàn xiāngguān de cíhuì. Ránhòu, wǒmen gēn zhùshū běn jìnrù yán chí de wéixíng shìjiè, xúnzhǎo hǎixīng rúhé `chī’gélí de dá’àn.
Hòumiàn jìnrùle guānyú rénlèi huódòng de tǎolùn: Xiàng shì fēngzhēng chōnglàng hé fú qiǎn děng. Zuìhòu zài dài dào hǎitān ānquán yìshí de shíyòng zhīshì diǎn. Zhège fànlì xiǎnshìle niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè fēnjí dúwù de kuà xuékē, xuéshēng kěyǐ hěn hǎo de tòuguò kètáng yùcè yǐjí tǎolùn, yǐjí jiànlì kuà xuékē de liánjié lái péiyǎng pīpàn xìng sīkǎo nénglì (sībiàn nénglì).
第二個示範展示了Oxford Read and Imagine系列的故事讀本,跟上面科普讀本的主題內容互相搭配。故事情節再次帶著兒童們預測角色的行動,培養批判性思維,同時也讓老師、家長可以引導兒童應用現實生活中的知識。書本配套的延伸學習也完美地帶入了分級讀本讀完以後,最重要的擴展想像力和創造力。
Dì èr gè shìfàn zhǎnshìle Oxford Read and Imagine xìliè de gùshì dúběn, gēn shàngmiàn kēpǔ dúběn de zhǔtí nèiróng hùxiāng dāpèi. Gùshì qíngjié zàicì dài zhāo er tóng men yùcè juésè de xíngdòng, péiyǎng pīpàn xìng sīwéi, tóngshí yě ràng lǎoshī, jiā cháng kěyǐ yǐndǎo értóng yìngyòng xiànshí shēnghuó zhōng de zhīshì. Shū běn pèitào de yánshēn xuéxí yě wánměi dìdài rùle fēnjí dúběn dú wán yǐhòu, zuì zhòngyào de kuòzhǎn xiǎngxiànglì hé chuàngzào lì.
總的來說,「2024 牛津大學出版社亞洲論壇:啟發兒童的英語閱讀興趣」 網路研討會內容充實,互動性強。 Robert 循序漸進的演示和深入的討論為亞洲各地的英語教學 (ESL) 教師提供了實用的工具和策略。在正確的引導下,分級讀本可以幫助學生累積詞彙量、培養情緒智能,並增強課堂內外閱讀的自信心。
Zǒng de lái shuō,`2024 niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán: Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù’ wǎng lù yántǎo huì nèiróng chōngshí, hùdòng xìng qiáng. Robert xúnxùjiànjìn de yǎnshì hé shēnrù de tǎolùn wèi yàzhōu gèdì de yīngyǔ jiàoxué (ESL) jiàoshī tígōngle shíyòng de gōngjù hé cèlüè. Zài zhèngquè de yǐndǎo xià, fēnjí dúběn kěyǐ bāngzhù xuéshēng lěijī cíhuì liàng, péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng, bìng zēngqiáng kètáng nèiwài yuèdú de zìxìn xīn.
想了解更多分級讀本和培養閱讀興趣的技巧嗎?請繼續關注科柏斯雜誌Corpus Magazine的後續文章,我們將分享來自科柏斯國際文教的雙語教學技巧!
Xiǎng liǎojiě gèng duō fēnjí dúběn hé péiyǎng yuèdú xìngqù de jìqiǎo ma? Qǐng jìxù guānzhù kē bǎi sī zázhì Corpus Magazine de hòuxù wénzhāng, wǒmen jiāng fēnxiǎng láizì kē bǎi sī guójì wénjiào de shuāngyǔ jiàoxué jìqiǎo!
- 了解更多關於英語教學專業發展的資訊:
- 了解更多針對兒童的教學方法:
- 關注科柏斯 Amy Youtube頻道 和Instagram: Edu_with_Amy,獲取更多課堂第一手故事。
- Liǎojiě gèng duō guānyú yīngyǔ jiàoxué zhuānyè fāzhǎn de zīxùn:
- Liǎojiě gèng duō zhēnduì er tóng de jiàoxué fāngfǎ:
- Guānzhù kē bǎi sī Amy Youtube píndào hé Instagram: Edu_with_Amy, huòqǔ gèng duō kètáng dì yī shǒu gùshì.
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照片來源:Teaching English with Oxford
Zhàopiàn láiyuán:Teaching English with Oxford
启发儿童的英语阅读兴趣:2024 牛津大学出版社亚洲论坛
Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù:2024 Niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán
身为双语教育的倡导者,Amy顾问很荣幸参加了今天由牛津大学出版社举办的「2024 牛津大学出版社亚洲论坛:启发儿童的英语阅读兴趣」 网络研讨会。本次研讨会的主讲人是来自日本牛津大学出版社的英籍资深英语语言教学 (ESL) 教师 Robert Peacock。
Shēn wèi shuāngyǔ jiàoyù de chàngdǎo zhě,Amy gùwèn hěn róngxìng cānjiāle jīntiān yóu niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè jǔbàn de `2024 niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán: Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù’ wǎng lù yántǎo huì. Běn cì yántǎo huì de zhǔjiǎng rén shì láizì rìběn niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè de yīng jí zīshēn yīngyǔ yǔyán jiàoxué (ESL) jiàoshī Robert Peacock.
Zhè chǎng yántǎo huì zhòngdiǎn tǎolùnle fēnjí dúwù de lìliàng, yǐjí tāmen rúhé bāngzhù niánqīng xuéxí zhě péiyǎng guǎngfàn de jìnéng. Yántǎo huì fēnxiǎngle liù dà hǎochù, qízhōng ràng wǒ yìnxiàng zuì shēnkè de liǎng diǎn shì:
1. 建构持久记忆的词汇量
1. Jiàngòu chíjiǔ jìyì de cíhuì liàng
我们都知道单字的背诵是学习者觉得英文很困难的一个环节。 Robert 分享了一个有趣的实验证明:要真正记住一个新单词,需要学生遇到它 15-20 次。这跟Amy顾问的高中英文老师说的「学一个新单字要忘 7 次后才记住是常态!」 (但我今天在研讨会投票中答对了!)
Wǒmen dōu zhīdào dānzì de bèisòng shì xuéxí zhě juédé yīngwén hěn kùnnán de yīgè huánjié. Robert fēnxiǎngle yīgè yǒuqù de shíyàn zhèngmíng: Yào zhēnzhèng jì zhù yīgè xīn dāncí, xūyào xuéshēng yù dào tā 15-20 cì. Zhè gēn Amy gùwèn de gāozhōng yīngwén lǎoshī shuō de `xué yīgè xīn dānzì yào wàng 7 cì hòu cái jì zhù shì chángtài!’ (Dàn wǒ jīntiān zài yántǎo huì tóupiào zhōng dáduìle!)
分级读本正是帮助学生记住新单字的利器。它们透过有趣的故事,让学生在有意义的脉络中接触新词汇,提供所需的 15-20 次重复,从而实现长期记忆。就像Robert 引用日本英语教学专家Rob Waring 在「分级读物使用指南」( ) 中所说,「大量阅读提供了这样的机会,因为学习者会接触到大量的语言,并反复接触正在学习的单字和语法结构的含义。」
Fēnjí dúběn zhèng shì bāngzhù xuéshēng jì zhù xīn dānzì de lìqì. Tāmen tòuguò yǒuqù de gùshì, ràng xuéshēng zài yǒuyìyì de màiluò zhōng jiēchù xīn cíhuì, tígōng suǒ xū de 15-20 cì chóngfù, cóng’ér shíxiàn chángqí jìyì. Jiù xiàng Robert yǐnyòng rìběn yīngyǔ jiàoxué zhuānjiā Rob Waring zài `fēnjí dúwù shǐyòng zhǐnán'( ) zhōng suǒ shuō,`dàliàng yuèdú tígōngle zhèyàng de jīhuì, yīn wéi xuéxí zhě huì jiēchù dào dàliàng de yǔyán, bìng fǎnfù jiēchù zhèngzài xuéxí de dānzì hé yǔfǎ jiégòu de hányì.’
2. 培养情绪智能和解决问题的能力
2. Péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng hé jiějué wèntí de nénglì
除了词汇量积累,分级读物也为情感探索提供了机会。透过跟随故事主角的旅程,学生可以更深刻地与故事产生共鸣。这使他们能够反思自己的感受、经历,培养同理心,并学会应对挑战 – 这些都是培养情绪智能的关键因素。
Chúle cíhuì liàng jīlěi, fēnjí dúwù yě wéi qínggǎn tànsuǒ tígōngle jīhuì. Tòuguò gēnsuí gùshì zhǔjiǎo de lǚchéng, xuéshēng kěyǐ gēng shēnkè de yǔ gùshì chǎnshēng gòngmíng. Zhè shǐ tāmen nénggòu fǎnsī zìjǐ de gǎnshòu, jīnglì, péiyǎng tóng lǐ xīn, bìng xuéhuì yìngduì tiǎozhàn – zhèxiē dōu shì péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng de guānjiàn yīnsù.
Jiàoxué yǎnshì huánjié:
Robert 透过两本分级读物演示,让来自亚洲各地的教育者们更有临场感:
Robert tòuguò liǎng běn fēnjí dúwù yǎnshì, ràng láizì yàzhōu gèdì de jiàoyù zhěmen gèng yǒu línchǎng gǎn:
第一个演示展示了来自Oxford Read and Discover系列的科普读本,主题是:探索海滩及其生态系统。老师们可以预先教潮汐、岩池和食物链相关的词汇。然后,我们跟着书本进入岩池的微型世界,寻找海星如何「吃」蛤蜊的答案。
Dì yī gè yǎnshì zhǎnshìle láizì Oxford Read and Discover xìliè de kēpǔ dúběn, zhǔtí shì: Tànsuǒ hǎitān jí qí shēngtài xìtǒng. Lǎoshīmen kěyǐ yùxiān jiào cháoxī, yán chí hé shíwùliàn xiāngguān de cíhuì. Ránhòu, wǒmen gēn zhùshū běn jìnrù yán chí de wéixíng shìjiè, xúnzhǎo hǎixīng rúhé `chī’gélí de dá’àn.
Hòumiàn jìnrùle guānyú rénlèi huódòng de tǎolùn: Xiàng shì fēngzhēng chōnglàng hé fú qiǎn děng. Zuìhòu zài dài dào hǎitān ānquán yìshí de shíyòng zhīshì diǎn. Zhège fànlì xiǎnshìle niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè fēnjí dúwù de kuà xuékē, xuéshēng kěyǐ hěn hǎo de tòuguò kètáng yùcè yǐjí tǎolùn, yǐjí jiànlì kuà xuékē de liánjié lái péiyǎng pīpàn xìng sīkǎo nénglì (sībiàn nénglì).
第二个示范展示了Oxford Read and Imagine系列的故事读本,跟上面科普读本的主题内容互相搭配。故事情节再次带着儿童们预测角色的行动,培养批判性思维,同时也让老师、家长可以引导儿童应用现实生活中的知识。书本配套的延伸学习也完美地带入了分级读本读完以后,最重要的扩展想象力和创造力。
Dì èr gè shìfàn zhǎnshìle Oxford Read and Imagine xìliè de gùshì dúběn, gēn shàngmiàn kēpǔ dúběn de zhǔtí nèiróng hùxiāng dāpèi. Gùshì qíngjié zàicì dài zhāo er tóng men yùcè juésè de xíngdòng, péiyǎng pīpàn xìng sīwéi, tóngshí yě ràng lǎoshī, jiā cháng kěyǐ yǐndǎo értóng yìngyòng xiànshí shēnghuó zhōng de zhīshì. Shū běn pèitào de yánshēn xuéxí yě wánměi dìdài rùle fēnjí dúběn dú wán yǐhòu, zuì zhòngyào de kuòzhǎn xiǎngxiànglì hé chuàngzào lì.
总的来说,「2024 牛津大学出版社亚洲论坛:启发儿童的英语阅读兴趣」 网络研讨会内容充实,互动性强。 Robert 循序渐进的演示和深入的讨论为亚洲各地的英语教学 (ESL) 教师提供了实用的工具和策略。在正确的引导下,分级读本可以帮助学生累积词汇量、培养情绪智能,并增强课堂内外阅读的自信心。
Zǒng de lái shuō,`2024 niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè yàzhōu lùntán: Qǐfā értóng de yīngyǔ yuèdú xìngqù’ wǎng lù yántǎo huì nèiróng chōngshí, hùdòng xìng qiáng. Robert xúnxùjiànjìn de yǎnshì hé shēnrù de tǎolùn wèi yàzhōu gèdì de yīngyǔ jiàoxué (ESL) jiàoshī tígōngle shíyòng de gōngjù hé cèlüè. Zài zhèngquè de yǐndǎo xià, fēnjí dúběn kěyǐ bāngzhù xuéshēng lěijī cíhuì liàng, péiyǎng qíngxù zhìnéng, bìng zēngqiáng kètáng nèiwài yuèdú de zìxìn xīn.
想了解更多分级读本和培养阅读兴趣的技巧吗?请继续关注科柏斯杂志Corpus Magazine的后续文章,我们将分享来自科柏斯国际文教的双语教学技巧!
Xiǎng liǎojiě gèng duō fēnjí dúběn hé péiyǎng yuèdú xìngqù de jìqiǎo ma? Qǐng jìxù guānzhù kē bǎi sī zázhì Corpus Magazine de hòuxù wénzhāng, wǒmen jiāng fēnxiǎng láizì kē bǎi sī guójì wénjiào de shuāngyǔ jiàoxué jìqiǎo!
- 了解更多关于英语教学专业发展的资讯:
- 了解更多针对儿童的教学方法:
- 关注科柏斯 Amy Youtube频道 和Instagram: Edu_with_Amy,获取更多课堂第一手故事。
- Liǎojiě gèng duō guānyú yīngyǔ jiàoxué zhuānyè fāzhǎn de zīxùn:
- Liǎojiě gèng duō zhēnduì er tóng de jiàoxué fāngfǎ:
- Guānzhù kē bǎi sī Amy Youtube píndào hé Instagram: Edu_with_Amy, huòqǔ gèng duō kètáng dì yī shǒu gùshì.
#ESL #EAL #分级阅读 #教育 #批判性思维 #儿童英语#YLE #双语教育 #科柏斯国际教育 #科柏斯英语 #科柏斯教育 #英语教学 #牛津大学出版社 #教师培训 #专业发展 #持续学习 #英语教学法 #新加坡 #越南 #日本 #韩国#RobertPeacock #台湾 #AmyTsai #教育启示 #educationalepiphanies #edu_with_amy #那些学生教我的事
#ESL #EAL #fēnjí yuèdú #jiàoyù #pīpàn xìng sīwéi #értóng yīngyǔ #YLE #shuāngyǔ jiàoyù #kē bǎi sī guójì jiàoyù #kē bǎi sī yīngyǔ #kē bǎi sī jiàoyù #yīngyǔ jiàoxué #niújīn dàxué chūbǎn shè #jiàoshī péixùn #zhuānyè fāzhǎn #chíxù xuéxí #yīngyǔ jiàoxué fǎ #xīnjiāpō #yuènán #rìběn #hánguó #RobertPeacock #táiwān #AmyTsai #jiàoyù qǐshì #educationalepiphanies #edu_with_amy #nàxiē xuéshēng jiào wǒ de shì
照片来源:Teaching English with Oxford
Zhàopiàn láiyuán:Teaching English with Oxford
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Tag:AcademicWriting, AmyTsai, BilingualEducation, CorpusEducation, CorpusEnglish, CorpusInternationalEducation, CPD, CriticalThinking, EAL, edu_with_amy, Education, educationalepiphanies, ELT, ESL, Gradedreaders, Japan, Korea, OxfordUniversityPress, ProfessionalDevelopment, Research, RobertPeacock, Singapore, Taiwan, TeachingEnglish, TeachingEnglishwithOxford, Vietnam, YLE, Younglearners, 兒童英語, 分級閱讀, 台灣, 專業發展, 批判性思維, 持續學習, 教師培訓, 教育, 教育啟示, 新加坡, 日本, 牛津大學出版社, 科柏斯國際教育, 科柏斯教育, 科柏斯英語, 英語教學, 英語教學法, 越南, 那些學生教我的事, 雙語教育, 韓國