What is the book about? (S)
Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
What is the book about? (T)
Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
Finding Your Life Purpose (S)
What are your strengths? Do you think they are born or acquired? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
Finding Your Life Purpose (T)
What are your strengths? Do you think they are born or acquired? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
TOCFL Level C Reading T01
華語文閱讀測驗 流利精通級模擬試題 作答注意事項: 一、這份題本共 50 題,考試時間為 60 分鐘。 二、所有答案必須寫在答案卡上,作答在題本上的答案將不予計分。 三、每一題都有四個選項,請選出一個正確答案,多選者視為錯誤。 四、考試開始後,不得任意離場。若有任何疑問,請舉手,等待監試人員到你身旁。 五、考試結束,請將題本和答案卡放在桌上,等待監試人員收卷、清點完畢後,才能離場。