What time is it? (S)
What time is it now? Start learning to tell time in Mandarin! Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
What time is it? (T)
What time is it now? Start learning to tell time in Mandarin! Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
City Streets of Spain v. Taiwan (S)
Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
City Streets of Spain v. Taiwan (T)
Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
Chinese New Year (S)
What do you usually do in the new year in your country? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
Chinese New Year (T)
What do you usually do in the new year in your country? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a…
A Lucky New Year (S)
Can you name each animal above? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
A Lucky New Year (T)
Can you name each animal above? Live practice with a Corpus Consultant! Book your live practice with a Corpus Consultant!
New Year Resolutions (S)
What will you do at the beginning of the year? This is where? What’s happening in Taipei 101 in the new year? How do…