Taipei 101
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Tái běi 101
Xǔ duō guó jiā de chéng shì dōu yǒu yī gè shǔ yú dāng dì de dì biāo, měi guó yǒu dì guó dà shà, yīng guó yǒu lún dūn tǎ qiáo, rì běn yǒu dōng jīng tiě tǎ, nà nǐ zhī dào tái wān ma? Lái dào tái wān lǚ yóu huò dú shū qián, shàng wǎng sōu xún guān yú tái wān bì qù de guān guāng jǐng diǎn zhī yī, nà kěn dìng huì shì `tái běi 101′.
台北101大楼位于台湾首都台北的精华地段,曾经是世界最高的大楼,是一栋兼具购物中心、办公大楼以及观景台的全球指标性摩天大楼,外观看上去象征中华文化中的节节高升,防灾设计、环保节能更是整栋大楼设计的核心,也因此获得美国绿建筑LEED v4白金级认证。
Tái běi 101 dà lóu wèi yú tái wān shǒu dū tái běi de jīng huá dì duàn, céng jīng shì shì jiè zuì gāo de dà lóu, shì yī dòng jiān jù gòu wù zhòng xīn, bàn gōng dà lóu yǐ jí guān jǐng tái de quán qiú zhǐ biāo xìng mó tiān dà lóu, wài guān kàn shàng qù xiàng zhēng zhōng huá wén huà zhōng de jié jié gāo shēng, fáng zāi shè jì, huán bǎo jié néng gèng shì zhěng dòng dà lóu shè jì de hé xīn, yě yīn cǐ huò dé měi guó lǜ jiàn zhú LEED v4 bái jīn jí rèn zhèng.
台北101常常是台湾当地学校户外教学的地点,更是许多外商公司驻台的首选之地,例如: Google台湾总部就设立于此,每年12月31日也定期举办跨年烟火秀,再加上附近集结了市政府、百货商圈、商业大楼,是一个地段佳,交通方便的地点,因此每年吸引大批海内外的观光客前来拜访,而身为一位台湾人,回家时也时常在附近与朋友们聚会,这里真的是个人认为人生必去的清单之一。
Tái běi 101 cháng cháng shì tái wān dāng dì xué xiào hù wài jiào xué de dì diǎn, gèng shì xǔ duō wài shāng gōng sī zhù tái de shǒu xuǎn zhī dì, lì rú: Google tái wān zǒng bù jiù shè lì yú cǐ, měi nián 12 yuè 31 rì yě dìng qí jǔ bàn kuà nián yān huǒ xiù, zài jiā shàng fù jìn jí jié le shì zhèng fǔ, bǎi huò shāng quān, shāng yè dà lóu, shì yī gè dì duàn jiā, jiāo tōng fāng biàn de dì diǎn, yīn cǐ měi nián xī yǐn dà pī hǎi nèi wài de guān guāng kè qián lái bài fǎng, ér shēn wéi yī wèi tái wān rén, huí jiā shí yě shí cháng zài fù jìn yǔ péng yǒu men jù huì, zhè lǐ zhēn de shì gè rén rèn wéi rén shēng bì qù de qīng dān zhī yī.

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Tái běi 101
Xǔ duō guó jiā de chéng shì dōu yǒu yī gè shǔ yú dāng dì de dì biāo, měi guó yǒu dì guó dà shà, yīng guó yǒu lún dūn tǎ qiáo, rì běn yǒu dōng jīng tiě tǎ, nà nǐ zhī dào tái wān ma? Lái dào tái wān lǚ yóu huò dú shū qián, shàng wǎng sōu xún guān yú tái wān bì qù de guān guāng jǐng diǎn zhī yī, nà kěn dìng huì shì `tái běi 101′.
台北101大樓位於台灣首都台北的精華地段,曾經是世界最高的大樓,是一棟兼具購物中心、辦公大樓以及觀景台的全球指標性摩天大樓,外觀看上去象徵中華文化中的節節高升,防災設計、環保節能更是整棟大樓設計的核心,也因此獲得美國綠建築LEED v4白金級認證。
Tái běi 101 dà lóu wèi yú tái wān shǒu dū tái běi de jīng huá dì duàn, céng jīng shì shì jiè zuì gāo de dà lóu, shì yī dòng jiān jù gòu wù zhòng xīn, bàn gōng dà lóu yǐ jí guān jǐng tái de quán qiú zhǐ biāo xìng mó tiān dà lóu, wài guān kàn shàng qù xiàng zhēng zhōng huá wén huà zhōng de jié jié gāo shēng, fáng zāi shè jì, huán bǎo jié néng gèng shì zhěng dòng dà lóu shè jì de hé xīn, yě yīn cǐ huò dé měi guó lǜ jiàn zhú LEED v4 bái jīn jí rèn zhèng.
台北101常常是台灣當地學校戶外教學的地點,更是許多外商公司駐台的首選之地,例如: Google台灣總部就設立於此,每年12月31日也定期舉辦跨年煙火秀,再加上附近集結了市政府、百貨商圈、商業大樓,是一個地段佳,交通方便的地點,因此每年吸引大批海內外的觀光客前來拜訪,而身為一位台灣人,回家時也時常在附近與朋友們聚會,這裡真的是個人認為人生必去的清單之一。
Tái běi 101 cháng cháng shì tái wān dāng dì xué xiào hù wài jiào xué de dì diǎn, gèng shì xǔ duō wài shāng gōng sī zhù tái de shǒu xuǎn zhī dì, lì rú: Google tái wān zǒng bù jiù shè lì yú cǐ, měi nián 12 yuè 31 rì yě dìng qí jǔ bàn kuà nián yān huǒ xiù, zài jiā shàng fù jìn jí jié le shì zhèng fǔ, bǎi huò shāng quān, shāng yè dà lóu, shì yī gè dì duàn jiā, jiāo tōng fāng biàn de dì diǎn, yīn cǐ měi nián xī yǐn dà pī hǎi nèi wài de guān guāng kè qián lái bài fǎng, ér shēn wéi yī wèi tái wān rén, huí jiā shí yě shí cháng zài fù jìn yǔ péng yǒu men jù huì, zhè lǐ zhēn de shì gè rén rèn wéi rén shēng bì qù de qīng dān zhī yī.

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Taipei 101
Most countries in the world have their own iconic landmarks. For example, the Empire State Building in the U.S., the Tower Bridge in the UK and the Tokyo Tower in Japan. But do you know about the landmark of Taiwan? When you do the research before you travel or study in Taiwan, you will see one particular building on every list of must-see tourist attractions in Taipei. That is Taipei 101.
Taipei 101 is located in the capital of Taiwan, Taipei. It used to be the tallest building in the world. It is a global, iconic skyscraper that houses a shopping mall, offices, and an observatory. The bamboo-shaped towering appearance symbolises promotion in career in Chinese culture. The core of the design of the entire building is environmental protection and energy efficiency as well as disaster prevention, earning this impressive building the LEED v4 platinum certificate from the U.S. Green Building Council.
Taipei 101 is a popular destination for school excursions. It is also the ideal office location for many foreign companies; for example, the office of Google in Taiwan is established here. What’s more, it hosts Taipei’s spectacular New Year’s Eve firework every year. In addition, Taipei 101 is situated in the prime location of the capital, surrounded by the city government, several department stores and commercial buildings. That’s why it attracts millions of tourists from home and overseas annually. As a Taiwanese, this is also the place where I normally hang out with friends. Personally, I think this landmark should be on everyone’s bucket list.

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About the Author
Candice was born and raised in Taiwan. She went to boarding school in the UK when she was 16 years old. Currently, she studies at Henley Business School of the University of Reading.

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