Free Education in Korea
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Zài hán guó dú guó xiǎo guó zhōng jìng rán wán quán miǎn qián
Hán guó hé tái wān yī yàng dōu shì jiǔ nián guó mín yì wù jiào yù (guó xiǎo 6 nián, guó zhōng 3 nián)[1], gù míng sī yì zhǐ yào shi guó jiā de rén mín dōu yǒu quán lì yě yǒu yì wù yào jiē shòu jiào yù. Rú guǒ yǒu zài guān xīn hán guó de péng yǒu men, yīng gāi yě zhī dào hán guó de kāi xué hé hán shǔ jià gēn wǒ men de shí jiān bù yī yàng, hán guó de kāi xué dōu yǒu gù dìng shí jiān, bù guò fàng hán shǔ jià de shí jiān jiù yī zhào měi nián jiào yù bù gōng bù de shí jiān bù yī yàng luō, suǒ yǐ zài tái wān 6 yuè shì bì yè jì, hán guó zé shì zài 3 yuè.

Ér qí shí tái wān zài 2014 nián de shí èr nián guó jiào [2] míng wén xiě le yì wù jiào yù shì miǎn xué fèi de, dàn shì chú le xué fèi zhī wài, xiàng shì shū jí, yíng yǎng wǔ cān, xiào fú…děng xué zá fèi, hái shì xū yào jiǎo qián de, yīn cǐ zài tái wān měi xué qí hái shì yào jiǎo jiāo 2000-3000 yuán bù děng de fèi yòng.
Bù guò fǎn guān hán guó, miǎn xué fèi zhī wài, lián huǒ shí fèi, shū jí fèi dōu bāo hán zài lǐ miàn, ér qiě měi tiān zǎo shang hái miǎn fèi tí gōng niú nǎi, shèn zhì guó xiǎo shēng shì bù xū yào chuān xiào fú de, yīn cǐ shěng qù bù shǎo é wài zhī chū, bù guò cóng guó xiǎo jiù kāi shǐ měi tiān xiǎng yào chuān shén me, yě shì tián mì de fán nǎo a!
#台湾韩国 #文化差异 #学校文化差异 #韩国义务教育 #韩国学校 #韩国开学日 #韩国寒暑假
#tái wān hán guó #wén huà chā yì #xué xiào wén huà chā yì #hán guó yì wù jiào yù #hán guó xué xiào #hán guó kāi xué rì #hán guó hán shǔjià
Zài hán guó dú guó xiǎo guó zhōng jìng rán wán quán miǎn qián
Hán guó hé tái wān yī yàng dōu shì jiǔ nián guó mín yì wù jiào yù (guó xiǎo 6 nián, guó zhōng 3 nián)[1], gù míng sī yì zhǐ yào shi guó jiā de rén mín dōu yǒu quán lì yě yǒu yì wù yào jiē shòu jiào yù. Rú guǒ yǒu zài guān xīn hán guó de péng yǒu men, yīng gāi yě zhī dào hán guó de kāi xué hé hán shǔ jià gēn wǒ men de shí jiān bù yī yàng, hán guó de kāi xué dōu yǒu gù dìng shí jiān, bù guò fàng hán shǔ jià de shí jiān jiù yī zhào měi nián jiào yù bù gōng bù de shí jiān bù yī yàng luō, suǒ yǐ zài tái wān 6 yuè shì bì yè jì, hán guó zé shì zài 3 yuè.

Ér qí shí tái wān zài 2014 nián de shí èr nián guó jiào [2] míng wén xiě le yì wù jiào yù shì miǎn xué fèi de, dàn shì chú le xué fèi zhī wài, xiàng shì shū jí, yíng yǎng wǔ cān, xiào fú…děng xué zá fèi, hái shì xū yào jiǎo qián de, yīn cǐ zài tái wān měi xué qí hái shì yào jiǎo jiāo 2000-3000 yuán bù děng de fèi yòng.
Bù guò fǎn guān hán guó, miǎn xué fèi zhī wài, lián huǒ shí fèi, shū jí fèi dōu bāo hán zài lǐ miàn, ér qiě měi tiān zǎo shang hái miǎn fèi tí gōng niú nǎi, shèn zhì guó xiǎo shēng shì bù xū yào chuān xiào fú de, yīn cǐ shěng qù bù shǎo é wài zhī chū, bù guò cóng guó xiǎo jiù kāi shǐ měi tiān xiǎng yào chuān shén me, yě shì tián mì de fán nǎo a!
#臺灣韓國 #文化差異 #學校文化差異 #韓國義務教育 #韓國學校 #韓國開學日 #韓國寒暑假
#tái wān hán guó #wén huà chā yì #xué xiào wén huà chā yì #hán guó yì wù jiào yù #hán guó xué xiào #hán guó kāi xué rì #hán guó hán shǔjià
Free Education in Korea
South Korea, like Taiwan, provides its citizens with a nine-year compulsory national education (6 years in elementary school and 3 years in junior high school.) [1] As the name implies, every citizen has the right and obligation to receive education. If you are into Korean culture, you would also know that the start of school and the start of vacations in Korea are not the same as in Taiwan. South Korea has a fixed date for the beginning of school, but the dates of the vacations are different from year to year. The exact dates are announced by their Ministry of Education every year. While June is the graduation season in Taiwan, the students of South Korea celebrate their graduation in March.

Taiwan announced its plan of the new twelve-year state education in 2014 [2], where they explicitly stated that compulsory education is free of tuition. However, students still need to pay for other expenses such as textbooks, lunches, school uniforms, and other related fees. Therefore, in Taiwan, a fee ranging from 2000 to 3000 New Taiwanese Dollars is required each semester.
However, in South Korea, the fees for meals and textbooks as well as the tuition are all covered by the government. What’s more, milk is provided free of charge every morning. Also, elementary school students do not need to wear school uniforms, so a lot of extra expenses are saved. Since I was little, I started to wear whatever I wanted every day, and it was actually a sweet burden!
#TaiwanKorean #culturaldifferences #schoolculturaldifferences #Koreancompulsoryeducation #Koreanschool #Koreanschoolday #Koreanwinterandsummervacation
About the Author
The author is a graduate of the Institute of Information Education of National Taiwan Normal University. She has studied in Korea as an exchange student and served as a teaching assistant for Korean language classes in the National Taiwan Normal University for a year and a half. She considers herself to be a perceptual woman who enjoys exploring different aspects of life. She visits South Korea at least once a year, for she is deeply in love with Korean culture. She is also interested in education, travel, music, and exhibitions. She believes that true passion can inspire others. She is currently a culture observer of Corpus.
한국과 대만의 의무 교육
한국과 대만의 국민은 9 년의 의무 교육을 받아야 한다. ( 6 년의 초등교육과 3 년의 중등교육)[1]. 의무 교육이란 모든 국민의 교육을 받을 권리와 의무를 뜻한다. 대만하고 한국 가장 큰 차이점은 바로 개강일과 방학 기간이 다른 것이다. 대만에서 1학기는 8월 말, 9월 초반에 시작하여 졸업식도 한국과 달리 6 월쯤에 하는 것이다.
또한, 대만에서는 2014 년에 “12 년 국민 기본교육계획”[2]에 따라 의무 교육은 무상으로 한다. 그러나 교과서비, 급식비, 교복비 등의 경우에는 돈을 따로 지불해야 한다. 그러므로 한 학기에 7만~11만 정도를 기타 비용으로 지출해야 한다.
이에 비해 한국에서는 학비, 급식비, 교과서비, 우유비까지 다 포함되고 초등학생들이 교복을 입을 필요가 없어 교복과 관련된 비용에 신경을 안 써도 되는 점이 부럽다. 게다가 어렸을 때부터 매일 어떤 옷을 입어야 하는지 고민하는 것은 행복한 고민이지 않을까라는 생각이 든다.
국립대만사범대학교 컴퓨터 교육 대학원에 재학 중
현직 문화관찰자
2015 년에 교환학생으로 서울에 잠깐 살았고 대만에서 1 년 반쯤 한국어 수업의 조교 일을 하였습니다. 한국어와 한국 문화의 매력에 빠진 여자입니다. 이외에는 교육·여행·음악·전시회 등 문화적인 활동도 좋아합니다. 마음 속에서 우러나오는 사랑은 강력하다고 믿고 있습니다.
[1] Compulsory education in South Korea
[2] Twelve-year National Basic Education Implementation Plan C28B